thanks for the posts so far.... i've read the entire unbeliever series and thouroughly enjoyed it. i've also read most of terry brooks, and all the king, koontz and saul books (told ya i'm insane!) fallen dragon is new to me though, and i'll check it out...
if you liked watership down you might want to check out "tailchaser's song". it's along the same lines but with cats instead of rabbits. it's actually by the guy i reccomended earlier from otherland, Tad Williams.
if you enjoyed the unbeliever series check out terry goodkind's Seeker of truth series. it's very involvingly written, and especially good through the first 5 volumes.
wheel of time i'd probably hit up last out of all those, because it ends up getting kind of stretched thin as it's volumes keep coming out. right now jordan's on the eighth or ninth one i started to lose interest at about vol. 6.
since fantasy's not everybody's thing i'll close this post with a scifi recomendation. neal stephenson's gotten a lot of hype the last couple of years for "cryptonomicon", but my favorite book of his is "snow crash". it's writing style is very slick; it reads kind of like a matrix movie, the action never stops, and the main guy's name is Hiro Protagonist....... how cool is that?!
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.