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Old 12-12-2004, 06:28 PM   #1 (permalink)
Wehret Den Anfängen!
Location: Ontario, Canada
Ukraine & Canada

I wrote my local MP about this. Here is my response:
Thank you for your email in which you ask I that Canada send help to the people of Ukraine in their fight for democracy.

I spoke in a rally on Parliament Hill on November 26 and in the House of Commons urging Canada to support the Urainian democracy movement. As you may know by now, Canada is funding the expense of sending 500 Canadian observers to monitor the next round of presidential election scheduled for December 26th. In case you are interested in participating, I have provided the information on how to apply.

Official Canadian government observers have to apply through CANADEM at (there is a new applicants link on the left side of the home page). Be sure to also send a copy of your resume to Please indicate in the application form and in the text of your email that you would like to be an official election observer for the election in Ukraine. Please note that CANADEM considers all individuals who have registered previously and are currently on their files. In short, there are no guarantees regarding selection.

Canadian observers wishing to go through the Ukrainian Canadian Congress should fill out their application forms available at the link "UCC ELECTION OBSERVER PROJECT IN UKRAINE IN 2004" found on The forms can be emailed or faxed to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress at (204) 947-3882.

Just a reminder that it is your responsibility to have a valid Canadian passport and to obtain the necessary visa from Ukrainian officials. Given the timelines involved, it would be advisable to apply for the visa as soon as possible.

There is more information at this web site:

Reevin Vinetsky
Executive Assistant for:
Hon. Andrew Telegdi, P.C., M.P.
It might contain information people here are interested in.

(due to a massive oversupply, they are currently only accepting people with past experience in elections monitoring, or a Ukrainian background.)
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.
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