Originally Posted by ziadel
Did you witness this firsthand? What kind of gun was it in and more importantly, in what state of repair? What kind of ammo? etc....
IMO you are overstating the case....
Well, I have heard this from a few experienced gunsmiths in person and quick google search led me to this:
"Although the classic 1911 design is extremely reliable with G.I. hardball ammunition, reliability with modern ammo of softpoint, hollowpoint or semiwadcutter design can be a sometimes thing. To its credit, the original design of the pistol will digest some pretty wild ammo designs almost all the time, but "almost all the time" is definitely not good enough when you must stake your life on a handgun. It must work all the time, every time with whatever you want to feed it!"
From this website:
I'm sure I could find some other references to this problem if I were so inclined....but I'm not. Just telling you guys what I've heard and read. No big deal to me either way as I don't own any 1911's.