Originally Posted by Livia Regina
How else would I defend myself if I were attacked? I have no idea what they are doing there or what their intentions are, why shouldn't I assume the worst and protect myself and who ever else is in my class? The possibility that a home owner is armed does keep burgalers out of houses. Would you burgal a house where there was the remotest possibility that you'd get shot? Or would you prefer someplace safer?
If guns keep people from breaking into other peoples houses, why do we still get people shooting people breaking into their houses?
People will still break into your house, and probably won't give a damn half the time if you have a gun because they intend to be in and out before you get a chance to confront them, or when your not present.
I'm not saying you shouldn't protect yourself, far from it, but people were killing and maming other people long before guns were invented. A golf club will do a fair amount of damage to someone, as will a large stick or kitchen knife. It's the mentallity that one needs a gun to properly defend themself that really gets at me.