Which free game should I get?
Here's a little backstory in case nobody knows. Sony released a holiday demo disk to its Playstation Underground members. I being a member received a demo in the mail. I looked at the listing of all the games on the demo and thought that none of them appealed to me, so I never played it. Turns out when you pop in the demo and play Viewtiful Joe 2 it completely wipes out everything on your memory card. A fellow employee at Gamestop told me that if i send my demo back to sony they'll give me a free game.
So, to make a long story short, I need help picking out which free game I want. The list is as follows...
Wild Arms 3
Parappa the Rapper2
Gran Turismo 3
Jak 2
Sly 2
NCAA Final Four '04
MLB 2004
Athens '04
ATV Offroad Fury 3
Hot Shots Golf Fore
It's down to either Sly 2, ATV Offroad Fury 3, or Hot Shots Golf Fore.
Which one should I get?