Originally Posted by Stompy
Someone above said "not as dark as the original", hahaha riiiight. Burton will take the original and make it DARKER. Remember.. Nightmare before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, and the first two Batman films. All pretty dark/twisted in some way.
This movie should be good. I hated the original. Too cheesy.. all that singing 
I said that it looked not as dark, and is does not. do you remember the boat ride from the original? that is dark. The who origial movie had a weird kind of weight to it. This remake, it should have never been done. Looks too happy and for little kids. the Casting of Manson would have been better. I like depp, but he looks too nice, very similar to edward scissorhands, from the trailer he does not seem twisted enough. and not everytihing that burton has done was dark and/or good, especially his other remake, the crappy planet of the apes. It was not dark, and pretty much was not very good as well. Actually if we review his last 5 movies you will see his supposed darkness has lighted up some (big fish, Mars attacks, ed wood, and sleepy hollow, along with the apes) I really like big fish and ed wood, but the others were sub par, and most of that bunch not being "dark"