Originally Posted by FL8ME
Clearly, you missed the point of my post. Shooting someone with a .22 certainly won't blow the organs out of your assailants body like a .45 would, however a gun that large for personal protection during day to day activities just seems foolish to me. A lighter, more inexpensive weapon with less recoil will get the point across just as well to an attacker. However if you feel confident in your ability to produce a concealed, high powered handgun and fire accurately, possibly numerous times, under duress well more power to you.
What on earth are you talking about? Do you have any knowledge of firearms or ballistics? The .45 ACP and .357 magnum are two of the most effective, time tested stopping rounds out there. If I fire on an assailant, I'm not trying to get a point across, I'm trying to immediately incapacitate that person. With that in mind, I'm going to carry the most lethal calibers possible. I'm a large man and experienced shooter. After doing extensive ballistics research and speaking with many others, I like .45 acp, .357 mag, and 10mm for self defense.
You mentioned "lighter, more inexpensive weapons." Manufacturers produce firearms chambered in both of these calibers that are specifically designed for concealed carry. As far as price is concerned, I don't see your point. Caliber doesn't dictate price. Price depends on manufacturer and model.
Listen, I don't mind you disagreeing with me, that's fine. I don't appreciate the tone or the quality of the two posts you put on this thread though. Please put more thought into how you post disagreements with others. Mutual respect is what makes this board special and it is how we keep things civil around here.