i havnet fired anyone.... persay.. but i have had the task of "runing several (30 or so) people off) its more fun..hehe..
really i feel bad for soome of the things i have done..
but in my industry you either can do it or you cant.... there realy isnt an inbetween..
so i verbalise this.. sometimes loudly.. a little humiliation and presto you have numer 33...
but really i do feel bad for some of the circumstances.. this 1 guy in particular just mooved from jersey to indianna was tryign to get sarted and whamo he got stuck with me... oh well ... it was my job to get rid of him.. does it make me a bad person for doing it?
i dont think the person in charge of firing or whatever.. should take circumstances into consideration...you just gotta do what ya gotta do...
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if you cant read my post i dont want to hear about it move on. thanks