Yes, there is, but I don't remember the name of the nerve off the top of my head. If I remember correctly it is the ulnar nerve and it innervates the outside third of your forearm, your hand, and your ring and pinky fingers. If you hold your arm palm up, you should be able to find two knobs of bone to either side of the point of your elbow. There is a little gap between the point of your elbow and the outside point, that is where the nerve is exposed. Pressing on it or twacking something with your elbow lets you know exactly what parts of your forearm are innervated by it. It is also the "funny bone" nerve.
I think. I'm not too hot with that layer of anatomy.
Oh, and it hurts when you lean on your elbow...?
(Wait for it...)
(You know it's coming...)
Thank you, thank you. I'm here all week.
(Seriously. Leaning on your elbow compresses the gap that the nerve runs through. The tingle is the resulting sensation. Not much to be done.)