Ugh, I hate Dell. Absolute crap. Poor service, shitty product.
I also hate Microsoft. What I don't understand is how come none of these products ever work right? That's just crazy and ....unAmerican. My XP has crashed way too many times. I've reformatted/reinstalled like 12 times in the past 2 years. All I do is surf the net, use MS Word, very rarely Excel and iTunes. Sometimes Windows Media Player. That's it, no games except Starcraft and Age of Empires. There's no way these applications should be crashing my computer. I am a simple casual user. I don't even know how to do HTML and stuff so it's not like I'm screwing around with the computer. I'm a plug and play guy.
Reading this thread is scary. How can all these companies make products that simply don't work or are shoddy? Isn't that fraud?