Netgear. I bought a wireless router and wireless card from them a couple of months ago. Biggest mistake I ever made with a tech purchase. The router just doesn't work right, it keeps shitting itself and resetting in the middle of me doing anything on the web. Netgear won't warranty it. When I bought it there was 6 rebates that came with it, four from BestBuy and two from Netgear. Bestbuy honored all their rebates, but Netgear denied their two big rebates totalling fifty dollars since I "didn't send it in on time." The receipt said the rebate had to be postmarked within 30 days of purchase. I mailed it out 18 days after purchase. Netgear never mentioned anything about having to be postmarked by September 14, they just said within 30 days of purchase. I can't stand shady companies like that whose business model is based around screwing customers.