I worked at a department store once. It was always busy so I didn't have time for anything but customer service. One day, a customer asked me to help her but our department was understaffed that day and I had a line of at least ten people. I said "I'm sorry ma'am but I am unable to help you at the moment but I can call someone for help" and she said it was fine. I smiled, she smiled and left. I kept working without thinking of the woman until my lunch break when my boss told me to smarten up or I was gone. I told my boss that she was obviously mistaken. She said "watch it mister". I walked out.
Later that day the woman walked up to my counter again with her husband and began to argue with me. Her husband began to threaten me and my boss walked over to ask what the problem was. The husband said that I had been rude and made derogatory comments towards his innocent wife.
At that point I began to laugh because I couldn't even remember talking to this woman (there had been a large number of employee pranks that week so I figured it was my turn). I was taken out back and told that I would have to be let go. My co-workers explained to my boss that it had never happened. Too bad for me I suppose. I hated that job anyways... the pay was fucking horrible and the pants the made me wear were tight on the nuts.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.