Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
I've heard enough good things that I'll be getting one this summer as my CCW. I'm looking at the Fully Loaded MC Operator model <img src="http://www.springfield-armory.com/images/pistols/PX9105MLLarge.jpg" width=640>
no offense, but why in the blazes would you want a pistol with a light rail for a CCW? it seems to be a trend nowadays that I find alarming...
the only thing that I dont like about the OPerator is the full-length guide rod, I've heard they are more trouble than they are worth... but all the fancy pistols now-adays have em...
and mkultra, I can't really answer your question about the .45 vs. the 9 on recoil, but I am 5'10" 140 pounds, and I have NO trouble shooting the 1911 even with +P loads my Steel Full-size 1911 is easy to shoot...