For those that don't know the golden rule is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself." Now my question is, since many of you are parents, do you feel this rule still applies between you and your children? See I've noticed my parents(mostly my dad) don't always feel that they have to respect me at all or ever apologize for anything. For instance if I ask one of my parents a question, that they don't answer so I ask again and they respond rudely to me with comments and a tone that I didn't deserve to be spoken to in, and I take offense and return the rudeness out of I guess you could call it almost a reflex suddenly <b>I'm</b> the one who's been rude. And if I say something about just reacting normally to having been rude to they say something along the lines of "Well I'm the parent so it doesn't matter" or other comments. I think this is bullshit. Just because you're my parent doesn't mean that the basic ethics that govern what is good and bad don't apply to you when regarding your children. You don't have to tell them thank EXPECT them to tell you thank you...and then to justify your behaviour you cite examples where your own parents were worse with you and that your child should feel lucky because of it??? Now where is the logic here? Do parents even feel the need to be logical? Or rational? I understand the whole "Well when you have kids you can raise them however you want to blah blah blah" excuses you make for yourselfs but really now do you actually believe that you are somehow above decency? Keep in mind you're of course almost always forgiven even if it isn't acknowledged no matter how bad you've been to your children; I'm just saying if you don't give your children a certain amount of respect, especially the kind you expect them to give other people, then how do you expect them to treat other people when they grow older? You don't want them to be bitter do you? When your children get older and tell other people about how they feel they were wronged you feel the need to take offense to it. How dare they complain? Not well you're right I wasn't always nice to you and I apologize for it, I'm not perfect but you of course know I love you. Granted deep down your children probably know you're sorry already and that of course you do love them it means a whole lot more when you actually say it. It'll help them to grow up to be a good person. I mean keep that in mind ya know? I don't think I'm wrong to think this and I certainly don't think I'm somehow above the people that raised me to be what I am today I'm just saying just because they're considerably younger than you doesn't mean they don't deserve the same ammount of respect, decency, tact, love, and kindness that you give to everyone else. Respect your elders yes...but respect your youngsters too for Christ's sake!

p.s. I love both my parents more than words.