Hard Math Proof (need hints)
If anyone can give me some hints beyond the ones I already have i'd be greatful.
int--> stands for integreal
Here is the problem
Let P be a real polynomial of degree n such that:
int[a,b] P(x)*X^k dx = 0 where k=0,...,n-1.
a) Show that P has n real zeros (simple) in (a,b).
Hint: Show that p must have at least one zero in [a,b], and that assumption tha tp has less than n zeros yields a contradiction; (consider int[a,b] P(x)Qn-1(x) dx, where Qn-1(x)=(x-x1)...(x-xn-1) and Xi i=1,..,n-1 are the zeros of P in (a,b).
b) Show that the n-point interpolating rule on [a,b] based on zeros of p has degree 2n-1.
Hint: Consider the quotient and remainder polynomials whena given polynomial of degree 2n-1 is divided by p.
Showing a zero exists in P is easy. Take the case where k=0 then we have the int[a,b] P(x) = 0. This means that P(x) must change signs at least once and hence has a zero.
But this is as far as I can get. I think my problem is I have very little background in this subject matter especially when it gets into the orthogonal inner products occuring when we multiply by X^k. Any suggestions of would be great.