Originally Posted by guccilvr
I wouldn't take your offer mainly because I don't spend that much everyday. I spend $2.64 cents for my pack of camels and I smoke a pack and half a week.. maybe more if I drink alot. Other than that sure I'd take your proposal. I choose to smoke knowing the "dangers" and what have you. My neighbor told me I should stop smoking so I could die healthy. Ok ..you tell me why that's so important. Why does it matter if I die healthy or not? You end up doing the same thing. To say that my decision isn't worthy of respect is insulting in itself. You're saying that what I want to do ( and yeah I'm a very respectful smoker) is just dumb. It may be dumb in your eyes but to me.. it's something I like to do. If they want to ban smoking in public places..fine.. I'll adjust but please..don't call me ignorant, stupid or anything else just because I make a conscious decision to smoke. I wonder if they same kind of attitudes would present themselves if all of a sudden it wasn't "cool" to drink. .. I wonder
I don't really drink either, because yeah, i think it's a self destructive waste of time and money. This isn't about being "cool". This is about the majority, which doesn't smoke, not having to put up with the dangerous filthy habit of a minority. I didn't say smokers were ignorant, in fact, i know many smokers who are really intelligent. Despite their intelligence, some of them can't seem to grasp the idea that people generally don't want to be exposed to
more carcinogens than they are already exposed to.
I don't care about people dying healthy. I care about entire industries devoted to selling people their own deaths a pack at a time.
I'm sorry if you don't agree, but yes, i'm saying that smoking is a ridiculous activity. It makes absolutely no sense if you factor out addiction as motivation. Smoking has no redeeming value beyond satisfying an addiction. I don't think your decision is worthy of respect, and i have every right to not respect your decision for reasons i have already made clear. Perhaps you could tell me why your decision deserves my respect. Personally, "Because i enjoy it" is a good excuse to do something that
is not directly linked to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people every year.
Let me be clear though in case this got lost in the hustle. I don't care if people smoke, i just don't want to have to smell that shit. I don't respect anyone who feels that satisfying their own addictions is more inportant than not poisoning their fellow human being.