I don't really care what other people do with their own lives or their own bodies. I do begin to care when their activities or lifestyles begin to impact my life and space. Here are some examples:
-Listen to your own music but don't do so and cover up what I am listening to
- I pay for a complete seat on an airplane and expect to be able to use all of it, both horizontal and verticle; it's like my yard..if you live next door, keep your crap in your own yard
- be quiet in a movie theater; I didn't pay to listen to you talk, I paid to experience a movie
- Smoke all you want but keep your smoke away from me
- toss your drink container in a trash can but don't toss it over my head and drip crap all over me
- clean up after yourself
- manage your kids and don't bring them to innapropriate places
- if we are sitting next to each other in a public place, go to the bathroom to fart
On the other hand, I do expect to have my space invaded in certain places.
- Chuckie Cheese
- water parks
- any place kids go to have fun
- the smoking section of a restaurant or a bar
- public bathrooms for smells
I guess there is a time and place for everything. If we all respect each other we'd all get along better. Focus on the issue as it relates to you, not what you don't like about someone else.
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.