Originally Posted by ratbastid
So... Despite what the experts say (and like it or not, the police ARE the experts when it comes to dealing with crime--a police officer will deal with 100 times more crime this month than you'll deal with in your lifetime), you're saying they're wrong?
Police are experts when it comes to dealing with crime on the street. There is
no cop alive that is more expert than I when it somes to protecting what is mine, inside my home, and that includes my possessions as well as the lives of the ones I love.
Look, what's more valuable, your home or your life? If somebody wants my physical posessions and had a weapon capable of depriving me of my life, I'm not going to try anything heroic to keep what I own.
You are right, my life (or the lives of family) is far more important. But, what is more important - my possessions or a criminals life? If he is standing in my living room, ready to take my possessions? The smallest thing I own becomes far more valuable than his miserable life.
Heroic, macho (right-wing) chest-thumping gets people killed. Does that mean I'm willing to roll over and be a victim? Absolutely not. But I'd rather deal with crime on a sociological level. Once somebody's actually burgling your actual home, it's a little too late to deal with it well in my book.
Right again, but the sociological level deserves a chance only while crime remains on the street, out there where the cops are the experts. If a person has problems get help and deal with it, whether they do it voluntarily or it must be done by force. Once a criminal crosses my threshold uninvited, it becomes my choice on how to deal with crime.