Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
I'm not naive enough to think that abortion will end after such a law is passed. Nor would I be naive enough to think that a law against adultery would end that practice (if I wanted such a law). Nor am I naive enough to think that rape laws have effectively ended rape. It never works that way. There are always people who will disobey the law either because they think they won't get punished or because they believe in a higher principle which contradicts the law.
Yeah, I think we just differ on our view on law. I don't think regulations/laws work very well as a preventative measure. Like with rape, I would go one step further and say that I don't think <i>legalizing</i> rape would result in people deciding it's okay. Our laws on sexual equality are the result of sociological changes, not the other way around. Most attempts to supercede this have resulted in failure.
The thing that makes abortion such a hot topic issue is that well, the birth of a child is one of the most miraculous events in life. I mean, it's just about the most important event in anyone's life. It's not something to be taken lightly. This however, cuts both ways. If a woman has decided, against all motherly instincts and feminime emotion, that she will not carry her child to term, I seriously doubt that she will ever decide to change her mind because it's illegal. Never will she say, "Oh, it's illegal? Well then, I guess I'll have my baby. No biggie." It is a huge deal. People break the law to get out of things that are infinately smaller in scope and importance. I mean, everyone has sped to get to work on time, everyone has done something before they were of legal age, imagine how many would break an anti-abortion law...
Oddly enough, I recall reading that it was the AMA that started the whole "Life begins before birth." It was a way of creating a monopoly on abortions, "Only an AMA certified doctor can telll when life begins." At the time, Churches actually gave out abortion inducing drugs. I think it was in a Carl Sagan book.