Originally Posted by martinguerre
okay...i wasn't reading. it doesn't change my real point, tho. Ustwo can talk about Christianity. this is important, so imagine it in all caps. As an outsider.
I was raised, Catholic, and attended 4 different Catholic grade and highschools. I am ANYTHING but an outsider. Someone such as myself doesn't decide to become an atheist on a whim, and I understand the Christian faith better then the vast majority of those who call themselves christian.
I find abortion disgusting, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, and its to small of an issue to let it decide my politics. That doesn't mean I can not see a christian perspective on the issue.
Your comparison to politics is quite out of place. You may not tell me how to 'be' a republican but you will damn sure tell me my views are wrong. Likewise I will not tell you how YOU should be a christian, but I can tell you that were I a believer I'd expect a long fiery vacation after I went to meet my maker.