an insane reader's mostly fantasy thread
why am i an insane? besides being born that way, i've been gifted w/ way above average reading speed (about a page a min.) and i've constantly used and developed this ability to the tune of hundreds/thousands of books.
i've browsed around the entertainment forum, and have deduced that 1) theres a lot of intelligent readers on here and 2) that there's not enough threads or posts on books in the entertainment section.
so i've started this thread to help anyone who wants recomendations for good books and also discuss those books with those other intelligent readers. and if i'm lucky i'll hear about a few titles that will rock my world. i've read lots of different authors and genres, but my main love seems to be fantasy, supernatural/ghost, and scifi in that order. so i'd like to focus on those here.
ok, heres a couple titles/series you should go read right away...
Tad Williams: "Otherland" series
this is a trilogy of huge books that have a great blend of characters, settings, and plot twists that kept me hooked all the way through. Williams fantasy series starting with "the dragonbone chair" is also a gem of a series, but to me this one stands out as truly epic.
Robert McGammon: Swan Song (1 book)
McGammons not very well known from what i've seen, and the people that do know of him see him as a second string Stephen King, but i think he's got his own knack in writing. Swan Song has a lot in common with Kings "the Stand" but the world ends with nukes instead of disease, which makes a whole different set of problems and social fallout occur in the aftermath. the way he takes you through his character's experiences made me more involved in this book than many others i've read.
ok, that'll do it for now, but i'll be back with more soon.... thank you so much for checking this long post out!!
p.s. i'm very open to answering any ?'s i'm able to via this thread or pm's.....
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.