The way to beat the man is to get inside and change things. Not give up before you try Master_Shake.
I'm a freshmen in my first semester of college. I'm not sure where you go but I am sure there is help available for you as in tutors or professors that are accessible. i suspect that one of the reasons you lack motivation is because you are completely uncertain in what career direction you are going in. I recommend that you sit down at Barnes and Nobles one days and list careers/fields/majors that suit your interests and talents. Once you have a goal it just becomes that much easier.
Adjusting is not easy but if you want to you can and you will. There's some good advice in here, well and some bad as well. Maybe there are some clubs out there you can join or volunteer work that would give you some fulfillment. It is up to you though.
College is not for everyone and I don't know you but I am sure that you know yourself. If there's a trade that you have a high interest in then go for it but if not College is a worthwhile experience, even if it is hard at the beginning.