It warms my cold black heart to hear all the wonderful things people have to say about my beloved Corps. Most of it is true, some is not. The reason we don't care what equipment we get is because we always get the left-overs. After a while, you just do with what you have. Sitting around bitching about what you wish you had, doesn't get the job done. That said, something as important as armor should already be had.
For those interested:
From the National Security Act 1947
SEC. 206. (a) [50 U.S.C. 409(b)] The term "Department of the Navy" as used in this Act shall be construed to mean the Department of the Navy at the seat of government; the headquarters, United States Marine Corps; the entire operating forces of the United States Navy, including naval aviation, and of the United States Marine Corps, including the reserve components of such forces all field activities, headquarters, forces, bases, installations, activities and functions under the control or supervision of the Department of the Navy; and the United States Coast Guard when operating as a part of the Navy pursuant to law.
This passage effectively creates the USMC as a seperate entity under the Dept. of the Navy.