Oh yeah, on topic:
The first thing I noticed was that the people complaining about armor were Guard.
I would've been shocked if they had been regular Army or Marines, but alas, they weren't, which is very telling for those that have experience in the matter.
I worked with the "weekend warriors" on occasion and it wasn't any fun. They, for the most part, didn't take anything seriously and were a danger to themselves and others. I watched a few episodes of "Off to War" (I think that was the title) on Discovery Time and was embarrased to watch their utter lack of military bearing and discipline. On one episode, they got reamed by a Regular Army guy for their lack of respect for an officer.
It made me wonder how effective it is to have a part-time fighting force.
That being said, regulars may have the same bitches/complaints, but you probably won't see it happen in a public forum like the Rummy event. I find it very interesting that most of the complaining comes from reservists.
My experience:
Amongst ourselves, we laughed about how poorly equipped we were and how weak our defenses were. We didn't even have the proper armament to adequately protect ourselves in a direct attack. We just did our jobs, relied on each other, and lived day-to-day.
We used to joke about our "life expectancy" times based on different types of events/attacks. That was just how we did things and we weren't anywhere near as disciplined as the Marines.
But, we did not even consider taking our gripes/griefs/bitches to a public forum.