Originally Posted by smooth
So they are rifleman, then medic
rifleman, then tech
rifleman, then damage control
Well, the Marine Corp does not have medics. All medics attached to a Marine squad are actually Navy personnel (i.e. Hospital Corpsmen).
By the way, Marine is actually an acronym, it means: My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment.
Anyway, I look at it this way:
Of the five different "branches", without specialized training (i.e. spec ops), the Marines are the most able-bodied fighting force. If you were to take an E-3 from each branch, after standard training, the Marine will be the badass. They are also the most disciplined, which definitely helps to make a more cohesive and effective fighting force.
Once you add specialized training, then the water gets murkier and much more competitive.
A SEAL will always claim they are the best, Rangers the same, Delta the same, and so on and so on. Personally, I know better than to fuck with a guy who wears a trident. I see that gold little symbol, shut up and stand still--mama didn't raise no fool (we used to train with them as their "opponents") Look one in the eye when he is in the "zone" and you will know what I mean.
Edit: Don't forget, they all cross-train, which even clouds the distinction even more