Originally Posted by bal8664
Hmm... i never played the first one, never read about it, know nothing about it. That said i really enjoyed the 2nd one, but the ending puzzled me. Spolier Maybe: Spoiler: Is this "G-man" who everyones talking about the guy who shows up at the end and talks to you before the credits? Honestly i thought that was supposed to be god or something, i was very confused. I took it as i was about to die and god saved me or something. Anyone care to explain what really happened?
Yes, G-man is that guy. At the end of the first game, he makes it clear that there are Larger Forces at work, and makes Gordon an offer of employment on the strength of the great job he did dispatching the baddies in that game. HL2 is apparently Gordon's next assignment, and a few years have gone by in the interim while Gordon "slept" or was otherwise held in some kind of time-freeze until he was needed. There are a few different theories as to exactly who G-man is, but clearly he has some pretty nifty technology at his disposal, especially with regard to freezing time and teleporting. And in both games he can be seen several times in the distance, interacting with other game characters and/or observing your progress. So he is involved at a much deeper level than simply Spoiler:
the guy who shows up at the end to keep you from dying.