I think we speak American Continent, not North or South American, here in southwest Oklahoma. No way is it even aproximately England English as defined by most scholars. My day to day conversations with the local populace seem to contain words from several other languages, including those of many American Indian tribes. More and more Spanish, or Mexican words are used daily in my little town as our Mexican population grows. Then of course we have the regional things like ya'all, some of ya'all, and all of ya'all that all of us in the South understand and use daily.
I think that you speak Canadian, or Austrailian, or whatever only defined by regional words that have crept into our shared English language. And we mostly all understand each other, yet I didn't grow up knowing what a Sheila was anymore than someone in Australia grew up knowing what a hoecake was. (I could be wrong on the hoecake thing). This far south Canadian only seems to be defined by the comic use of the term eh. Other than a difference in regional terms we speak exactly the same language.
I do agree with Warrrreagl on the butchery thing. No matter what words we use, we should all strive to use them correctly. I get an immediate first impression from someones use of language, especially when it is written. How this user could be the Dean of anything is beyond me. I have never met him yet my impression of him has already been lowered.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom