All homophones should be destroyed.
Let me apologize on behalf of every stupid American who ever used then/than incorrectly.
I can't tell you how important proper spelling is to the poor fuck earning minimum wage at Burger King. If only he could improve his spelling ability. He might even be made manager of that shitty Burger King. Then he'd be making $9.50 an hour! Holy shit! Doors of opportunity will present themselves to him and the world will truly be a better place when everyone can speak and spell a language that pronounces two words the same but actually spells them differently. It's not like that doesn't make sense or anything.
And again, I do so humbly apologize for being such an idiot, and being so stupid and lazy.
You know something, I don't think the sun even... exists... in this place. 'Cause I've been up for hours, and hours, and hours, and the night never ends here.