In my mind, abortion will never, under any circumstances, be <i>right</i>. Regardless of whether or not the mother believes she made the best choice, she will always wish she never had to make the choice. However, I don't believe that the mere act of having a baby makes the situation <i>right</i> either. What if the child is born to an abusive father, or a teen mother who quits school and becomes an addict?
I think we often forget that the world is not made up of black and white, wrong and right, etc. There is no line. There is <i>wrong</i>, then there is an immeasurable area of greyness, which is where we spend most of our lives in. Right is in another dimension, another universe. I don't say this in an attempt to justify life within the middle, but to point out how truly <b>right</b><i> right</i> is. For me, the act of having a baby is not in itself right. It takes more than that, it takes love and the ability to provide for the kids future. Furthermore, the act of having of abortion is not in itself wrong. It's in that greyness.
Anyways, that's my "moral" take on the issue.
Socially, I think illegalizing abortion is a bad idea. It's not a question of morals, but a question of law. I think that cheating on your wife with your best friend's wife is one of the lowest of the low. I think most people would agree. Why don't we have that codified into law? I'm against drinking, I think it's useless and the fact that it's responsible for so many deaths, many more than abortions, makes me wonder why we haven't outlawed it. Oh yeah, we did and it turned out horrible.
Abortion is not right. Every fiber of my being detests it. I think that this applies to most people, pro-choice and pro-life. However, are we so naive as to believe that passing a law will stop abortions? Are we willing to force the already downtrodden and heartbroken into the shadows to seek counsel? This battle cannot be fought with laws or government. The fight must start at home, with fathers showing their daughters what real men are made of and with mothers teaching their sons how to treat a lady. Then to the community and churches, who must give unexpectant mothers more than the option of being called a whore or a murderer. The State's only job is to make sure that if a woman choses an abortion, it is both sanitary and professionally done.
I'm very much against abortion. Which is why I'm willing to look at the situation critically and honestly. I will not fight blindly just to win the battle and the lose the war.
//Going back to studying
/Rant off