Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
So who are the elite of the Marine Corp then?
Mr Mephisto
Marine Recons.
Marines train the equavalent to other special ops. Recons train twice as hard as marines.
Literally, unless things have changed, they literally run the courses twice and in less time to even qualify for Recon training. They are the ultra-elite.
I hope no marine sees your post
I think they'd reply if anything that in so far as they are part of the Navy, it's only that they are the best part! But I haven't met any Corpman who didn't bristle at that kind of statement.
The Marine Corps fall under the Department of the Navy, not the US Navy branch of service (seamen)--people like mephisto (non-US citizens) might not know that they are two different entities. The Dept. provides civilian leadership to the branch of the Navy.
The Marine Corps are actually the oldest US military force. They don't have their own sea transportation, although I can't remember why, there was at one time a reason stated to me. It could be because the intention was never to have them be a standing military branch in the sense of what we think, but a flexable and powerful force that was ultra portable to be injected into places the Navy, Army, or Air Force doesn't really cover. Thus, each and every marine is first and foremost a fighting soldier, even support personnel are "fighters" first.
So they are rifleman, then medic
rifleman, then tech
rifleman, then damage control