It was my first ever "career" job. I had been hired by a small film distribution company to be their office assistant. I was really excited as it was a job in the industry and what looked like a step in the right direction.
The pay was about 24K per year which was a lot more than I was making at my two part time jobs... One job I happily quit, was working at the Gap and the other I was asked to quit working a couple nights a week at an arthouse cinema (it was perceived as a conflict of interest because the owers also had a small distribution company).
I was hired shortly before Christmas and asked to start on the first day after the holiday -- December 27. I was excited. I was getting access to the world of film...
I worked there for one week. On January 2, right after New Year's Day, I was let go. It was a small company, the two owners and me. They asked to speak with me when they rolled in around 10 am and said that things weren't working out. They wouldn't give me a reason, just that it wasn't working out.
Needless to say, I was devastated.
I had spent my one week there, with little to no supervision as they would roll in around 11 everyday and leave around 3 or so... I, of course, worked 9 to 5.
I found out later from a friend that they felt I was "too organized" for them. I was a Felix to their Oscar (Odd Couple reference). I had spent much of my week trying to figure out what to do around the office as they were rarely there. After I completed the handful of tasks they had given me (tasks a monkey could do) I look for things that looked like they needed doing, such as: cleaning the dozens of coffee mugs that were in various stages of evaporation on the window sill... tidying up the reception area which was cluttered and unappealling, etc. Anything to make what I thought was a good impression on my new employers... turns out I should have made a bigger mess and sat on my hands for the week.
Within 10 months I had another job in the industry and haven't looked back... Within a 18 months they were out of business and are no longer anywhere to be seen in this very small industry (in Canada anyway).
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke