Originally Posted by martinguerre
I think there are better reasons than "other animals" but i digress.
Yes, I was just struck with the thought that in some way we are meant to live, and it is ironic that it is hard for us to realize it when dogs and squirrels and such do it without a worry.
If the stories were to relate to us in anything like a real way...could they have fairy tale endings, simple morals, clean plot lines, and rational proofs? Who would even read such a thing? The story must be engaging if it is to bring us out of ourselves, able to see a new way that is not dependant on the <b>violence, competition, insecurity, and posessiveness</b> that we humans seem to bask in as individuals and cultures.
I'll admit that I haven't read every page of the Bible... but isn't the Bible full of that stuff? Even the fairly socialist Jesus had to deal with betrayal and violence and the insecurity of those around him. Or read the story of Esther. The Bible is full of real life stuff, violence, explicit discussions of sex and posessiveness (particularly of women)... There is this discussion of a battle between good and evil... The Bible is successful in the same way that most mythologies are - it is a book full of conflict and tension (internal and external).