Originally Posted by Strange Famous
And so, this person must live with this.
It is unlikely ever he shall answer for it in this world, in the next, I cannot tell and it is not for me to speculate.
Which person will not have to 'answer foor it in this world' and will 'have to live with this'?
The man who picked up a small child, ran into the middle of a street with a rocket propelled gernade launcher, and took aim at a convoy of soldiers?
Or the man who shot the RPG user through the child?
In my opinion, the moment you are taken hostage, your life is the reponsability of the person who took you hostage. Not the people you place demands on. (for example, the RPG user communicated 'do not shoot me, or you will kill this child'. This demand was ignored, and this was the RPG user's fault, not the person who ignored it.)