The Democratic Party controlled texas for over 130 years. If you were not a Democrat for much of that time you didn't have a vote that counted! You surely stood no chance of being elected to anything - including Assistant Dog Catcher. For 130 years the Democrats basically ran the state of Texas as if it were their own private club. The first Republican to carry the State of Texas, to the best of my knowledge was Eisenhower (He is a Texan you know! Even though he was raised in Kansas he was born a Texan). There have been Republicnas who held Office since then - like George W. But they had to live with a Democratic majority - always. For the first time in history (Except during reconstruction)Republicans have a majority. The Democrats cannot accept this fact - someone pissed in their Post Toasties! The intelligence of Texas voters has often been questioned - but if they re-elect any of these Democrats after this little temper tantrum they need to lose their right to vote!
I am sure my memory on Texas history has diminished over the years - In a short time Tha' Dude will be here to straighten us all out!
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!