Originally Posted by Coppertop
As was posted elsewhere, the only story you get is what Freeman gets. You never are out of his POV in the game, ever. There's a reason for that. And a damn fine one, too.
If you had been held in stasis by the G-man then sent to battle in the streets of a world on fire by an Alien Invasion, don't you think you'd be asking the many NPC's "WHAT THE SHIT IS GOING ON?!" instead Freeman says nothing at all. In fact, the NPC's don't care to explain anything to him.
Personally I think it's terrible story-telling, some great gameplay mechanics but that's all. And the Cliffhanger didn't really piss me off either, mainly due to the fact that I didn't care about any of things I was doing throughout the game because I didn't know WHY I was doing any of them. Still, I'll get HL3 but I doubt my opinion will change.