Originally Posted by WillyPete
But I won't because I agree with you, a troop's first priority is self preservation and the assigned mission. In the quoted case, a stray bullet hits, your priority is cover and then attempt to find the shooter. Not open fire on innocents. (Again: if this account IS accurate)
Okay, sorry I misread your comment. I agree with you in principle, but I think you're overestimating the soldiers involved. We're talking about a very dirty war here, where enemies and civilians are pretty much impossible to distinguish (apart from the guns, which are *also* owned and used by civilians!). Then there's the constant sense of fear, the constant stress, the dead and wounded on your side, the bombs, the booby traps... I'd say you'd start to get a bit trigger-happy too, after a few months of that.
Is it wrong to just shoot? Sure. But it may be understandable in the circumstances. These soldiers aren't supermen. They're just like you and me, except that they're in warzone, trying to make it out alive.