Some great stuff. I have one long story & a shortie:
Got caught by my girlfriends brother once. We were screwing on the couch about 2 am (by the front door of the house). Her brother, who wasn't supposed to be coming home that night, starts pounding on the locked door. We get dressed, she lets him in, and he walks by me. "Nice ass, Chris" was his only comment.
Here's the long version, and I got caught / blamed for nothing:
My buddy starts dating this new girl. I'm having a party at my mom & dad's house. He goes in my parents bedroom with said girl. About 1/2 hour later they come out. I asked if there was anything I needed to worry about cleaning up. He said no, was a good friend, so I trusted him. Looked in the room & all seemed to be in order. Forgot about it.
About three days later, my sister comes over to water the plants (mom & dad are in England for a month & knew they'd all be dead if left to me). She walks out of my mom & dads room holding a rubber package & is rather pissed. "Why can't you use your own bed?". Tried to explain but I don't think it did much good. Here's where things got fun.
I wrote up a little note ("Clean up your fuckin' mess next time") & wrapped it around the rubber package & stuffed it into an envelope. I knew the gal who worked in the office at our high school, so I asked her if she could see that it got delivered to my buddy during first hour (we had a load of friends in the class), which she did. He opened the envelope up and the rubber package immediately falls onto the floor in front of everybody.
Needless to say, I got a rather good shot in the arm from him during break between classes. Our group of friends had a good laugh about it for a few days, but nobody was happier than me.