If your four friends killed civilians randomly, then they're pretty fucked up and have some issues.
Out of my four friends who are fighting or fought only ONE killed an inncent civilian.
A man dragged a young child (approx. 4 from what he said) into the street, with an RPG in the other. Taking time to aim the RPG behind the little boy, if my friend didnt shoot everyone in their Hummer would be dead.
So yes he did kill an innocent civilian, but if I were in the same spot I would have done the exact same, and no matter what moral highground you claim you would do the same. If not for you then for the other 4-8 people in the vehicle.
It is the military's first priority that any action should not lead to the death of civilians if at all possible.
If you have a shot land near you, you take cover and then you assert the direction of fire. Then you take suitable action.
Rather miss getting the odd gunman in the crowd, than killing innocents.
1. Already hit on, the military's first priority is mission accomplishment. Second is accomplishing that mission with the least amout of casualties on your side or in the required time period for time critical operations. Third is with the least amount of civilian casualties. This comes directly from my superiors in the US Navy.
2. I dont know if you realize this or not, but most of combat is reactionary. It's not like everyone's happy and then a bullet lands near you, and you stop to think about it. If your life and those around you are in danger you react. I will never play armchair commander when I dont know exactly what the situation was like, nor should anyone else.