Bloody FatPeople
case in point:
Ok ok, no offense to any fat people here, but it happens that fat people are my pet hate. I can be very, VERY harsh when it comes to the behaviour of fat people so I'll try my best to be nice.
*deep, composing breath*
One thing in particular always blew my mind. Why is it that fat people never realise how being fat invades everything? Once I told my mate to go be fat in his own row of airplane seats, and he obliged me with no argument which I was appreciative of. but then goes and stands on my foot and breaks the fuckin' thing! What the hell? The daft prat.
The other thing is even when they do go sufficiently far away to not let the fat rest on you, they come back inside the very second they've thrown away the double bacon and ranch cheddar burger. Not only have they (more often than not) still got a mouthuul of food which gets all up in thier double chin, but they get food all over thier damned thier clothes. they smell a like vat of fry grease. They need to... walk around a bit to work out... or something. When questioned, all my fat mates (and once fat but now dieting mates) seem completely oblivious to this phenomena.
Someone please shed some light for me. Are there any fat people or ex-fat people who can tell me this - do fat people not REALISE that they're negating the effects of being outside by doing these things, or do they just not care?
I know I've used specific examples in this but I have observed this on many occasions, as I'm sure others have. I haven't cultured my pathalogical loathing for fat people based on nothing you know...
Again, no offense intended guys. I know we're all intelligent people here and if you like to be fat then its your business and I won't tell you not to.... however if you're fat around me you're likely to feel my surgical two-by-four
Last edited by bigoldalphamale; 12-09-2004 at 10:10 AM..