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Old 12-09-2004, 08:43 AM   #65 (permalink)
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Location: In the land of ice and snow.
Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto



So let's get this straight.

She is legally guilty of first degree sexual assault.
She had sexual relations with a minor.
This minor was emotionally troubled.
The minor's parents are indignant and claim she was "brainwashed".
Legally, a serious crime has occured.

But many of you think it's fine because the girl claims it was consensual?

You don't think this teacher has anything to answer for?

What if you had a daughter. She's a little bit mixed up. She's going through regular adolescent issues. She's emotionally a bit vulnerable. A male teacher at a local school offers to help out. He takes her away camping. He has sex with her. But your daughter says "No, it's ok dad/mom... I wanted to. In fact, we're got married!"

You'd be OK with that?!

All I can say is "Fucking hell... I'm glad you're not my parents".

Mr Mephisto
Let me just say this. A minor who decides to have sex with an adult is by our culture's definition, emotionally unstable regardless of whether the minor is significantly emotionally unstable or not. In fact, many posters didn't even need to read the article that closely to be able to proclaim that this girl is indeed fucked up. If i were her parent, i would like to think i had the personal knowledge of my daughter required to stop her from doing something i don't think she should do. If she did end up in a situation like this, i certainly wouldn't tell the national press that she has emotional issues. Fuck, do you know how embarassing it can be to even be seen in public with your parents as a teenager? Imagine your parents telling the entire world that you're a basket case. I suspect they labelled her emotionally unstable to cover their own asses, because after all, they were the parents that were somehow completely oblivious to the fact that their fourteen year old daughter married a teacher. If your the type of person who thinks helping your "brainwashed, emotionally disturbed" daughter is by telling the whole world just how brainwashed and emotionally disturbed your she is, than i wouldn't want you as my parent either.

Here's something to think about. All adolescents are a "little bit mixed up". Most adults are a "little bit mixed up". I don't care if its a male teacher or not. If it wasn't forced, if it wasn't molestation, than it isn't that big of a fucking deal. In fact, i wonder how traumatized this girl will be from everyone telling her how traumatized she should be? They way i see it, all of the people jumping over eachother to proclaim how fucked up this situation are more concerned with protecting the sexual integrity of the idealized, prototypical teenager than with what is actually going on with this girl. That's fine. Just realize that you are using a specific case to argue a general philosophy despite the fact that this specific case might not fit in or even support your general philosphy. Ideally you can argue that all teenagers will be emotionally harmed if allowed to have sex with adults. Ideally you can argue that all adults who have sex with teenagers are predators. What you can't do, is assume that circumstances surrounding occurences in the real world will match up perfectly with circumstances surrounding occurences in your preconcieved notions.

It just seems like there is this huge rush to judge everyone involved with this case under the false pretense of actually giving a fuck about the people involved. If she honestly loved her ex-teacher it is only because she was brainwashed, right? All teenagers are prey, right? That's what i seem to be reading. I'll concede that most teenagers aren't very bright when it comes to relationships, what i can't concede is that relationships such as the one in this case are always horrible, always disgusting, or always a destructive force.
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