Thread: Cursing
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Old 12-09-2004, 07:30 AM   #55 (permalink)
Glory's Sun
Registered User
this is an interesting subject to me as well. The way I look at it is this: A word is a word no matter how you cut it. Swear words often put some sort of emphasis on things. Also let's take shit for example. What's the difference if I say feces or crap or shit? It's the same thing. Sure there are slang uses and such but the bottom line is that words are words. It's interesting in itself that I look at it like this because I loathe the ebonics stuff (this is not a personal attack on any one or any group) I just don't like the way it sounds. I also have to look at it from another view point that shows how language and terminology changes from generation to generation. I mean.. do you really want to still be talking in Anglo-Saxon? I know I don't. SO I guess the real point here is that people talk how they feel accustomed and how they like to talk.
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