Live Strong Bracelets - Who Cares?
When i first started seeing these things, i thought it was some kind of fashion thing...and then i was told that they represented that individual's donation to the Lance A. Cancer Research Foundation, and thought "oh, ok, i guess that's cool then".
then i was getting my christmas tree the other day at a local tree stand, which is operated by high school aged kids. and there were a bunch of these high schoolers hanging out talking and smoking...and at least half of the ones that were smoking...were wearing these yellow bracelets.
i then was at a bar where i saw more of the same, smokers wearing the yellow bracelets...and i approached one girl and asked her why she was smoking and wearing the cancer bracelet...and she said "oh, is that what this thing is?" laughed it off and went back to pufffing.
to those wearing these things for the purpose they were originally intended, just be aware that it has now become another iconclastic piece of MTV pop follower fashion. it means nothing anymore. just a heads up.