Originally Posted by Yakk
All of those people are still in the "we consume the majority of our income".
A strange thing happens as you leave the upper midde class --
Totally agree. But most politicians earn less than the average doctor

and so are not in that higher group.
I do believe, conspiracies aside, that there is a much higher group of individuals who have the enough money to effect social policy and do so simply do create more money for themselves.
Originally Posted by Yakk
I missed the reference.
Mr Russell is a well known Libertarian.
Originally Posted by Yakk
Ah -- all things being equal, the government which governs least governs best?
That's beautiful. I'm tearing up.
Originally Posted by Yakk
I just disagree that "all things being equal" is often true.
Sadly so.
Originally Posted by Yakk
"Each of us puts his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will, and, in our corporate capacity, we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole."?
A perfect world -
IF the general will is derived from a community of like-minded Libertarians.:
" a form of association which defends and protects with all common forces the person and goods of each associate, and by means of which each one, while uniting with all, nevertheless obeys only himself and remains as free as before."
Originally Posted by Yakk
=) You still are willing to work rather hard for the (collective) ownership of your car. The interesting part here is, you identify yourself with your family (to a certain extent, more than likely), so your family gaining ownership of your car will motivate you to make sacrafices and do things for other people (like, work).
Yes, my family comes first.
Janey, New Avatar???? Someone you know? From my experience "Rent to own" is just loan with a very long term. Like a car lease is actually a ten year car loan.