Ask the contracter that put his ass on line to pay for the raw materials, and all the blue collar laborers that will be laid off when the company goes under whether or not this is terrorism. My family owns a construction company that was started almost 100 years ago by my great-grandfather. My grandfather and now my father have both ran it, and as anyone that runs their own business (my father is a civil engineer and mba) this type of thing could very well ruin many families. We have guys that have been working for us for over 25 years and are damned good at what they do. One of the family traditions is having the kids spend a few summers working in field as the low man on the totem pole to see how the family money is made and I learned a lot more from those guys then I have from some of my college classes. The amount of money, time, and sweat these idiots wasted so they could live out their adolescent fantasies about 'sticking it to the man' is disgusting. Their actions hurt a lot more than some nameless corporation. This complete eco-freedom stuff is complete bullshit, these people value their twisted view of nature over human life and welfare.
And I'm a conservationist, NOT an environmentalist.
In the words of Jello: "Punk ain't no religious cult,punk means thinking for yourself. You ain't hardcore cause you spike your hair, when a jock still lives inside your head."