Originally Posted by martinguerre
You may oppose abortion all you like...i will respect that.
I don't think you fully read his post. He doesn't oppose abortion.
Fwiw, I don't see anything inherently wrong with non-Christians such as Ustwo making objective statements about Christianity. It's completely valid, and worthy of a debate. He may be wrong, but he's not incapable of being correct on such matters.
I do think he's wrong because I don't believe that Christianity has anything to say about what sort of morality controls should be in place in governments. Internally, I see pro-choice Christians just as consistent as pro-choice-of-taking-the-Lord's-name-in-vain.
On the flipside, I also believe that 'pro-choice' is the wrong position for
anyone to take. Christian, Muslim, atheist, whoever. For the same reason that I believe no one should support legal infanticide, and with no religious references necessary.