i'm curious, tspikes - you didn't respond to my post and still continue to speak of people devaluating genres. i thought my comments were a valid contribution, but perhaps they were ignored.
vanblah: i completely agree that your "keyboard"-playing friend was playing an instrument, if i understand what you said correctly. arranging individual sounds into a complete piece is the essence of music, whether the notes are laid out chromatically or in a less organized fashion.
i think there's some value to "defining" music from basic blocks, if only to prevent needless bashing of genres that some people don't enjoy. say someone comes in and says "rap isn't music because it doesn't do X and Y like classical/progressive metal/whatever does". well, if we've broken "music" down into its consituent parts, we can say "yes it does, here's how/why" and move on to something more interesting.