Originally Posted by filtherton
It worked for the ancient greeks, or was it the romans...
Anyways, i agree that studentfucking presents a conflict of interest. Beyond that are you saying that in this instance their relationship was wrong because the woman used to teach the teenager, or are you saying that such relationships are wrong by nature? Would this relationship be fundamentally wrong if the woman wasn't her teacher?
Lurkette, how do you always sum things up so nicely? 
Whether or not it 'worked' we cannot know. It certainly was their paradigm, but it is not ours.
My concern starts with the fact that she was the girl's teacher two years previous (when she was only 11-12), but doesn't end there. No, it rests with the age of the girl combined with the age difference. I grant that there are no easy formulas to apply, but I don't think that anyone would argue that 14 year olds make reasoned, choices. Combined with an adult who doesn't have the age to excuse her, this is a bad situation.
Consider this, if it was really true love, why couldn't they have waited until she was 17 or 18 and they could at least do what they wanted to legally?