Originally Posted by the_marq
I have a few questions:
*Whether or not Jesus was the son of God or not is highly debateable, especialy on the TFP. He was a pretty good guy, and probably good public speaker, but there are a lot of doubters about his lineage to God. (Hey isn't today the first day of Chaunaka?)
*Was St. Luke really at the birth of Jesus? I thought he didn't meet Jesus till about 20 years later.
*If you are an athiest why are you at a Christian school?
As these were directed at me I will answer although others have made very interesting points too.
Whether he is the son of God or not is important but perhaps not as much as I first thought. If he is the son of God his importance is obvious and the event of his birth is equally as important. If not does it matter? The fact he has had an effect on so much we believe in today, our morals in society, the way we think of other people, of life in general.
I realise St Luke did not witness Jesus' birth and I think I have phrased it badly from the way chaplain did earlier today. It should read St Luke witnessing Jesus life, not necessarily his birth. This does change the basis of my question and brings in the new idea; which part of jesus life.
I live in England and here we are supposed to have a 'token religious' event everyday! At my school we have one a week where everyone must attend 'chapel' in the Church, and two assemblys with a prayer a hymn and notices about the school day. So yes it is quite strange but we have Muslims, Sikhs, and Hindus here too who must also attend the services. Even more strange, our Chaplain is Roman Catholic and the school is actually Church Of England.