Originally Posted by OFKU0
Well first of all, we all have opinions. You just stated yours. Whether people feel pity or not for whatever reason is their business. For you to insult some them because your opinion is different is infantile.
Do you have a 14 year old daughter? If you did and something like this happened to her, would you have such a cavalier attitude? You probably don't which, in itself is more ignorant than those you like to belittle. But then moral superiority is the key isn't it?
I didn't say nobody should feel pity, i just said doing so was presumptuous and pointless. I wasn't trying to insult anyone, but if you feel insulted, my apologies. Though it is a little silly to complain of insult, and then turn around and try to insult me, don't you think?
Anyways, i don't have a fourteen year old daughter, do you? Why is that even relevant? This about a fourteen year old girl and her older "wife", not a pity the parents party. Are you a fourteen year old girl? That's a more relevant question.
Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Do you see the hypocracy in your statement above?
I do.
On one hand you ask provocative, semi-rhetorical questions about whether I know her. You then go on and state what you think she "no doubt" needs or wants.
A personal friend of mine was sexually abused by a teacher. It's not fun, it's not nice and it's certainly not "just sex".
Mr Mephisto
I see the hypocrasy, but it doesn't matter to me. I said those things to support the idea that none of us knows what the hell is going on with this young lady. It is unfortunate that your friend was sexually assualted, it is also unfortunate that sexual assault is such a nebulous term. A fifteen year old can have consensual sex with an eighteen year old and it is sexual assault. Is it sexual assault when two fourteen year olds have sex? I would think that it would be, since niether is legally old enough to give consent. If it is, then i guess, as a victim of sexual assault myself, i should be fucked up for life. I'm not, at least not due to that.
I'm not trying to diminish traumatizing sexual assualt. What i am trying to do is point out the the flaw in treating all cases that meet the law's definition of sexual assault equally. What this teacher did was illegal, there is no doubt about that. What there is undoubtedly doubt about is the extent to which, if at all, the young lady will be negatively effected by her relationship to the elder lady.
Originally Posted by Lebell
To claim that a 14 year old can sensibly choose to have a have sex with and "marry" a former care-giver shows a fundamental lack of understanding of child psychology and development.
No amount of obfusication or bandying of words can change the fact that you are defending rape
You miss the point. There are a lot of adults who aren't capable of sensibly choosing who to have sex with and marry. Just a quick perusal of the sexuality forum should prove that to you. You show a fundamental lack of understanding of what it means to be human. There are plenty of historical instances of societies where it was customary for teenagers to marry and have children. If i remember correctly, mary was in her early teenage years when she married joseph and gave birth to jesus. Does that make god a rapist by today's standards? I guess only an obfuscator would say no.
You can use the word rape all you want, but if you can't see the difference between consensual statutory rape and forcible rape, then i think it is you who needs to stop obfuscating.