Agreed. I think the only differences between each side of this is one side errs on the side of caution because of the probable health risks of DU, and the other side errs on the side of using the effective weapons. The reason I choose to err on cautions side is that if DU is as dangerous as it seems to be, it will have negative detrimental effects on health for generations not only for Iraqis, but for the soldiers over their and their children. If there is proof that it is safe, then I say go ahead with care. But the risk is far to great in this situation with the available information.
This whole situation seems like the DoD just wants to get rid of uranium waste in another country. They rushed in without making sure it was safe, and now we are beginning to see the effects in Gulf War syndrome and the birth defects in Iraq.
The reason I started this post is because I have a small amount of DU in my system from when I went to northern Iraq a few years back myself. *ATTENTION* If you have been in an area that DU munitions were used or manufactured, you should go to your doctor and take the uranium urine test. If you test positive, there are ways to flush your system in order to avoid the health risks stated above. Treatments with tiron, gallic acid, DTPA, p-aminosalicylic acid, sodium citrate, EDTA, 5-aminosalicylic acid and EGTA were shown to help to move the uranium out in your feces. Tiron would be my first choice, as it is the most effective. I have also heard of taking magnetic clay baths to pull the mtals out of the body, although I have no proven medical data to back that up.